
Lastest news about electric heating elements

Electronic Thermostat against Legionella

Within the extensive range of products related to electric heating elements designed and manufactured by Electricfor, we find those concerning control and regulation....

Electricfor's Electric Heating Elements in Expoquimia

From October 2nd to 6th, a new edition of Expoquimia will be held in Barcelona, the largest international meeting in the...

Batteries with Electric Heating Elements for Air Conditioning

Electricfor's experience in the design and manufacture of electric heating elements allows it to serve many sectors among which we also highlight the air conditioners one.


Heaters with Immersion Electric Heating Elements for the Food Industry

Electricfor designs and manufactures immersion electric heating elements for the food industry which classifies into two types according to the characteristics...

Electric Heating Elements for Electric Boilers

Among the extensive range of electric heating elements found in the Electricfor catalogue, we find those relating to electric boilers which, among many other qualities,...